When, a couple of weeks ago, we were reading and learning more about how to perform an LCA with the ILCD handbook, general guide for Life Cycle Assessment, we noticed that there was a recurring topic about the consistency of data. One of the chapter, 6.10.4 Methodological, assumptions and data consistency, makes a clear summary of this crucial principle :
“Consistency is crucial when defining the functions, functional units and reference flows, the system boundaries, the requirements on representativeness (time-related, geographical and technological), completeness and precision of LCI data, the LCI modelling principles and approaches applied, as well as applied LCIA methods.”
In other words, whatever we choose for each topics needs to be the same for each elements of the same domain but also in-between iteration of the Life Cycle Assessment.
Therefore, as we plan to conceive a tool that would work for any stages of design, we need to make sure that we will actually assess the same elements in all phases. However, in the earlier stages of a project there is many elements that remains to be decided. For example, during a feasibility study we only have volumes that represent the floors, walls and roofs of the projected sketch whereas in later stages more and more objects are added : doors, windows, stairs, inner walls…
In order to achieve that we needed to find a way to replace the missing data for the earlier stages. After some research, we decided to use a ratio with the average of element per apartment type distribution, square meters, number of staircases and other parameters.
That is why, as we said last week, we started a new part of the study to extract information from existing Revit model to an excel workbook. This workbook will give us the average of element for project that have at least completed Bygghandlingar phase. Indeed after this phase very small changes are made on the design of the apartments or the commons parts and almost all the elements of the building are decided and drawn in the model.
The list of elements that we wish to have an average of are
- Staircase number
- Byggnadsarea (BYA)
- Brutto area (BTA)
- Plan’s height
- Apartment types
- Apartment numbers
- Boarea (BOA)
- ALLRUM area
- BAD area
- HALL area
- KLK area
- KÖK area
- SOV 1 area
- SOV 2 area
- SOV 3 area
- SOV … area
- VARD area
- WC area
- Beams
- Doors Exterior
- Doors Interior
- Floors Exterior
- Floors Interior
- Foundation
- Glass partition
- Pillar
- Railings
- Roofs
- Stairs
- Walls Exterior
- Walls Interior
- Windows