This week we tested the module through the first floor, i.e. the entrance floor, of the model and we made some changes and optimised parts of it :
- In most cases, the first floor is made out of multiples levels. One for the entrance and one for the apartment level. The script was, until now, written to get all elements at one specified level. We added a boolean statement called “Is this first floor ?” that will enable the module to make a joint list of elements at multiple specified levels.
- Fixed all of the parts that were depending on only one level being computed.
- Adjusted all bounding boxes to the combined height of the selected levels
- Fixed some issue when BOA area type were used for other type of area and made statement to dispatch them. For example, if the BOA name is Lokal, a new type of area called “LOA” is created and this area removed from the BOA list.
- Fixed some issues when area type where use instead of rooms for drawings purposes. The module now test the name and dispatch these areas in the correct list.
- Added two more processes to create solids from areas or rooms and make a combine list of best outcomes from the three methods.
- Fixed general list level management and rank
For all of these changes, we processed the module through all the other levels (included last one) to make sure it would still work as intended with them.